- La expresión de búsqueda debe tener más de 2 caracteres.
La Red de Ciudades Europeas del Caballo, EURO EQUUS, es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que fue fundada el 3 de mayo de 2005 por cuatro ciudades europeas - Waregem (Bélgica), Pardubice (República Checa), Jerez de la Frontera (España) y Golega (Portugal). En 2015 Wroclaw (Polonia) se unió a la asociación y aumentó el número de miembros a cinco ciudades europeas.
El propósito de la asociación es promover y desarrollar mas allá del patrimonio cultural del caballo. Con objeto de alcanzar los objetivos generales, las ciudades cooperan en diversas actividades. La intención de la asociación es crear una identidad cultural, social y económica a través de la colaboración entre diferentes territorios europeos enlazados con el sector ecuestre. La asociación quiere proteger, desarrollar y promover las “Regiones del Caballo” preservando el Patrimonio Ecuestre Europeo, además la apoyará con cursos de formación de profesionales del campo ecuestre.
11-18/05/2019 // Feria del Caballo
Feria del Caballo, Declarada de Interés Turístico Internacional
11-18/05/2019 // Feria del Caballo
26–28/04/2019 // CPEDI International
International Para-Equestrian Competition with closing ceremony with federal mounted police
26–28/04/2019 // CPEDI International
may–september/2019 // Great Classics Trotting races
30 national trotting races during summer season
may–september/2019 // Great Classics Trotting races
05/05/2019 // SEASON OPENING
Wroclaw Racecourse at Partynice is Poland’s only jump racecourse, but flat and harness races are also held here.
05/05/2019 // SEASON OPENING
08/05/2019 // Opening Day of the horseracing season and childrens' racing day
The racing season in Pardubice begins! After more than six months, racing life returns to the Pardubice racecourse to the cradle of steeplechase.
Don't miss the Opening Race Day. The first race starts at 14:00.
Don't miss the Opening Race Day. The first race starts at 14:00.
08/05/2019 // Opening Day of the horseracing season and childrens' racing day
The ExpoÉgua, created in 1998, arose from the need to corroborate the understanding about Opposing some relative underestimation that mares were voted some decades ago.
23–26/05/2019 // Dressage
Final Dressage Inter Schools NC
Horseball NC – Sénior + sub16
Dressage NC
Dressage – Regional Competion
Dressage - College Competion
Horseball NC – Sénior + sub16
Dressage NC
Dressage – Regional Competion
Dressage - College Competion
23–26/05/2019 // Dressage
25/05/2019 // 1st Qualifying Race for the 129th running of the Velka Pardubicka steeplechase
The four-part series of qualifying races for the autumn 129th Velká Pardubická will have its first act on Saturday, May 25th.
The start of the first race is at 2pm.
The start of the first race is at 2pm.
25/05/2019 // 1st Qualifying Race for the 129th running of the Velka Pardubicka steeplechase
26/05/2019 // American Day Racing
American Day Racing is an event with several trotting races, in honor of the American culture and the American citizens of Waregem.
26/05/2019 // American Day Racing